Dischinger Orthodontics

Mother's Day Smile Special - Start Yourself Or Your Child On Same Day As Exam & Receive $100 To La Belle Nails!

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Mon - Thu : 7:35 AM – 4:35 PM
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How To Clean Your Retainer

When it comes to orthodontic care, achieving a beautiful and healthy smile is just the beginning of the journey. After your braces come off or your orthodontic treatment is complete, the next crucial step is maintaining the results. This includes the proper care and maintenance of your retainer. At Dischinger Orthodontics, we understand that your

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How To Brush Your Teeth With Braces

Orthodontic treatment with braces is an exciting journey toward achieving a beautifully aligned smile. However, this transformative process also requires special attention to oral hygiene. Maintaining a clean and healthy mouth is crucial to ensure the success of your treatment and to prevent common issues like tooth decay and gum problems. In this guide, we’ll

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How Do Braces Work?

Braces have been transforming smiles and improving oral health for decades. They are more than just a dental accessory; they are a powerful tool for achieving a straighter, healthier smile. At Dischinger Orthodontics, we are dedicated to providing exceptional orthodontic care, and part of that care involves helping you understand how braces work. If you’ve

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Crooked Teeth: Causes, Impact, And Treatment

Welcome to Dischinger Orthodontics, where we’re dedicated to creating beautiful, healthy smiles for our patients. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of crooked teeth, exploring their causes, the impact they can have on your oral health and confidence, and the effective treatment options available to you. At Dischinger Orthodontics, we understand

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Braces Removal Process: What To Expect

Getting braces is a significant step towards achieving a beautifully aligned smile, and while the journey to that perfect smile is filled with adjustments and progress, there comes a time when the braces have done their job. That moment marks the beginning of the braces removal process, which can be an exciting milestone for orthodontic

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